Hotmail Email - Continues to Be the Top Rated Free Email Provider

 Hotmail email has been the first free email provider which started on 4th of July, 1996. It was founded by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith. The true reason for choosing July 4 as a launch day was particularly to represent independence, it being Independence Day. The benefit of Hotmail email when it was commercially marketed was that you may check out your email anywhere in the world with no difficulty.

Being one of the free email providers, its popularity and benefits became the main center of attraction and element of its success. Hotmail email proved to be a notable turning point in the history of internet and e-communication.

The name Hotmail was taken upon by adding to HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), which is the main encoding computer language during the time.Another reason it was selected to be called Hotmail was that it ended in "mail" and also happened to suit in nicely with HTML For this reason, its initial name was selected to be HoTMaiL. It was released with the support of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, a growth capital corporation. It became very popular, so much that it had 8.5 million users when it was sold to Microsoft in December of 1997. It was sold for 400 million dollars and was renamed as MSN Hotmail and later was renamed Windows Live Hotmail, as it is known now. The count stood at 343 million in July 2009, which up to now is an increasing number. If you need any kind of information this topic click here :

Hotmail ran on Solaris and FreeBSD operating systems until about 2000 when Microsoft had changed it over to Windows 2000 but still keeping the DNS features on FreeBSD for a while. The first period of transition saw quite a few security dangers that endangered the Hotmail system. The first was when "eh" was accepted as the password to access any Hotmail user account. This accompanied by a security breach, a year later, when a user could log in to his account and gain access to another user's message by modifying the account username and message number value (that was valid) in the URL of a single email message. In reports that came out, the situations between the 7th and 31st of August of such hacking numbered into many millions.

Hotmail email's characteristics were always up with the developments. When Google declared Gmail and an endless quantity of space for storage, Hotmail also followed suit together with rivals like Yahoo in doing the same and more. Hotmail has been integrated with other Microsoft Web Services including Windows Live ID, Live Messenger, Live Spaces, Windows Live Calendar, Windows Live Messenger and social networking websites and programs.


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