Recruitment Job Descriptions
1. Functions of recruitment
Depending on business field, functions of employment department in a company or in a recruitment service can include ones as follows:
· Manage and operate the Employment Department, made recruiting Customer Care targets, criteria and requirements of the Company Employment.
· Plan and implement recruitment communication through the media, universities, colleges and secondary levels, job fairs and other recruitment sources, to ensure they reach targets on the number of monthly recruitment company.
· Implement the recruitment process from file screening, interviewing organization personnel selection, monitoring and evaluating the quality of personnel recruitment.
· Build and develop relationships with universities, colleges and secondary levels, job fairs and other recruitment sources, ensuring the ability to meet the number of personnel to be recruited by big companies.
· Coordinate and arrange and interviews with department managers; conduct the initial interviews for positions at all levels; ensure all interview forms are filled by candidates & hiring managers and follow recruitment procedure.
· Keep close contact with department managers on progress of searching and also consult them on recruitment issues.
· Conduct recruitment activities in accordance to company's employment master plan and procedures/policies to ensure that company's vacancies are filled on time.
2. Positions of recruitment department
Depending on quality and quality of the above functions, positions of employment department can include ones as follows:
Assistant manager
3. How to create recruitment job descriptions
To create samples of job description above, you should:
First step: Identify functions of department.
Second step: Setting up process/job instructions, detailed duties of each functions.
Third step: Assign each tasks for each position.
Fouth step: Write job description/job specification for each position.
Final step: Compare one by one and send them to board of directors for approval.
If you need any kind of information this topic click here : Recruit agencies
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